

Kurkku avokado rapu sormisyötävät

Cucumber avocado shrimp pieces

Wonderfully fresh and tasty finger foods are an easy and slightly different summer treat.

Italialainen lounas

Italialainen lounas

Tähän aikaan vuodesta monilla meistä on tapana kaivata Italian-lomaa. Koska monet meistä eivät matkusta Italiaan tänä vuonna, päätimme tuoda palan Italiaa luoksemme herkullisen ruoan ja juomien avulla!

Vihreät falafelit

Tasty Green Falafels

A more fitting name for these would be “Green Veggie Patties, but it just doesn’t have a nice ring to it, and these things look a lot like falafels! This...

Täyteläinen (taivaallinen) suklaakakku

Luscious Chocolate Cake

Easiness to make is just one of the reasons we love chocolate cake – you can make it the night before and it really works in any occasion. Different cake...


Chickpea Stew

Let’s take care of each other with nutritious food!Turmeric is one of my favorite flavors, but I’ve only gotten accustomed to it in recent years, ever since the interest towards...

Kriseldan vinkit Bialetti-keittimen hoitoon

Bialetti Moka pot tips by Kriselda

Ain’t no greater than a Bialetti coffee maker! In the past years, the best coffee moments have been created with a Moka pot. I got my first Bialetti Moka pot ten years...

Puoliksi kuivatut tomaatit uunissa

Semi-dried tomatoes in the oven

Tomaattien maku vain syvenee kun saavat olla uunissa, mausteeksi oliiviöljyä, yrttejä, mustapippuria ja merisuolaa. Näin voit maistaa kuuman auringon kypsyttämän tomaatin myös talven keskellä! Käytä kuivatut tomaatit salaatin kaveriksi, bruschetan...

Marinoidut paprikat

Marinated peppers

Käytä alkupalaksi, sekoita salaattiin, laita pizzan päälle tai pastakastikkeen joukkoon. Marinoituja paprikoita saisi aina olla jääkaapissa!


Oven baked root vegetables

The first days of autumn...Autumn is a time for stove fires, fire pits, candles and big knitting. A time best described by the Danish word "hygge".This very easy recipe gives...

Taivaallisen hyvä porkkanakakku

A Heavenly Carrot Cake for Mom

Generally, I like to wing it and try new things in my recipes, but only when I am cooking. Baking is a different animal. Using the correct amount of the...

Maukas uunikurpitsa

Tasty pumpkin in the oven

Such a simple side dish but so good!


Pasta Carbonara

La vera carbonara romana, the original carbonara pasta originating from Rome. Easy and quick to make, perfect after exercising or just spending time outdoors.When I was living in Rome, since carbonara...


Homemade Pear Pie

Now that the Finnish summer has come and gone, it is time to enjoy the darkening evenings, candles, and warm beverages.Different sorts of pies are definitely a part of Fall,...

Samettinen kukkakaalikeitto & valkosipulileipä

Creamy Cauliflower Soup & Herby Garlic Bread

I always get a feeling of excitement when I get the chance to share new recipes and new flavors with you all. When I was making this soup for the...

Nonnan lasagne

Nonna’s Lasagna

My Italian Grandmother Adele taught me so many things in the kitchen and as a heritage, she left me with so many amazing recipes.My family’s absolute favorite is Nonna’s Lasagna....

Vihreä superkeitto ja bruschettaa

Green super soup with bruschetta

It is indeed wintery and cold outside. But so beautiful! At times like this I love to enjoy a tasty soup after a brisk winter walk!I should always have a recipe...

Kermainen lehtikaalisalaatti

Creamy Kale Salad

Creamy kale salad is a perfect lunch for an autumn work week. Massaged kale is a nutritious and tasty base for a rich salad with roasted cauliflower, chickpeas, sweet cherry...

Maalaisleipää kananmunalla ja tryffeliöljyllä

Bread with egg & truffle oil

Truffle lovers hello! This is for you. An absolutely super lovely breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/any meal option. 😀 Oh. There are only a few ingredients and as at least in my kitchen: less...

Herkulliset uunijuurekset!

Delicious roasted root vegetables

During this year, for a variety of reasons, life has changed quite a bit. For Rolf and I, one of the changes is that it is only the two of...


Tiramisu Cake

Have you ever tried using savoiardi biscuits in anything other than a serving bowl or a large casserole? I wanted to try a new way and it turned out to...

Kesäjuhlien mansikkakakku

Garden Party Strawberry Cake

The inspiration for this Garden Party Strawberry Cake I got from a birthday party I attended in the early summer. For dessert, there was this tall, light pink strawberry dream....


Saffron Buns

I don’t often bake buns, but when I do, I don’t shy away from using butter and sugar! I bring back Rolf’s childhood memories by adding saffron into the dough....


Orange and Poppy Cake

I hope that I never truly grow old, you know. Child-like candidness, joy, and lightness have always been a part of me. Baking is a dear hobby of mine, and...

Herkulliset kylmäsavulohileivät

Smoked salmon toasts

Easy and quick-to-make smoked salmon toast? Yes, please. This recipe is similar to a good friend, it will never let you down. The mixture of flavors works every time and...

Pienen pieni piparkakkutalo

The tiniest gingerbread house

Traditional Christmas celebrations often include building a gingerbread house. Crafting a fancy house is such a fun task, however it includes multiple steps that can make the process feel stressful:...


Halloumi & Spinach Pasta

I’ve only used halloumi cheese in salads, and I couldn’t believe how well it goes with pasta! It took me a couple of tries to fry halloumi so that it...

Japanilaiset Munakoisot

Japanese Eggplants

I’ve seen a bunch of these lovelies in grocery stores lately. I am fairly new to them, so I figured I should give them a go! Since they come from...

Perusohje pastataikinalle

Homemade Pasta Dough Recipe

Making fresh homemade pasta is much easier than many people think!Check out the recipe below and enjoy a worry-free moment when cooking.

Gluteeniton banaanileipä

Gluten-Free Banana Bread

An instant favorite for any household!Homemade banana bread has been trending for a while now, but I hopped on the bandwagon late – I baked my first banana bread for...

Samettinen pannacotta mansikkakastikkeella

Velvety Panna Cotta with strawberry sauce

Panna cotta is an Italian classic that you can find in almost any authentic Italian restaurant. I’ve been in love with its velvety texture and sweetness since I first tasted...