
Beetroot and blue cheese pie

I love the change of seasons! My thoughts are on the harvest and the lovely beetroots. Irresistibly beautifully colored on the top and inside full of good minerals. I was so inspired that I dressed up as a beetroot myself 🙂


1 ready-made salty pie dough
4-5 ready-cooked beetroots
2 organic eggs
150 g of crumbled blue cheese ( of which 20 g will go on top of the pie)
150 g of mascarpone
3 tbsp of honey (of which 1 tbsp will go on top of the pie)
handful of walnuts (leave a small amount to place on top of the pie)
2 thyme sprigs
1 tbsp of olive oil
black pepper from a grinder

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Roll out the dough to a suitable size and spread on the greased pie tin. You can also use a cast iron blini pan. In a bowl, mix together the mascarpone, eggs, blue cheese, honey, walnuts (finely chopped), thyme leaves, salt, and pepper. Pour the mascarpone mixture into the pie dish. Slice the beetroots thinly and place them on top of the cheese mixture. Sprinkle with the remaining blue cheese, walnuts, honey, oil, salt, and pepper. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

In all its simplicity, the pie is really good this way. If you’re also looking for a sweet and herbal flavor to accompany the pie, below is a recipe for pickled apples and mint pesto.

Buon appetito!


Prepare the day before or a couple of hours before the pie

1 1/2 dl of water
1 dl of white vinegar
4 tbsp of sugar
a piece of ginger
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of mustard seeds
a couple of cloves
a dash of saffron

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Turn off the heat and allow to cool. Cut the apples into thin slices and place in a glass jar. Pour the cooled broth over the apples, close the lid, and place in the fridge to wait.


1 pot of mint
1 pot of basil
a few sprigs of parsley
50 g of unsalted pistachios
1 garlic clove
1/2 the juice of a lemon
1 dl of grated parmesan
1 dl of olive oil
black pepper

Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Serve with mint pesto and pickled apples in a simple salad to complement the flavour of the beetroot pie!