Privacy Policy


This is a combined Privacy Policy and Information Document for Heirol’s Customers, Potential Clients and Web Site Users, in accordance with Articles 10 and 24 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999) and Articles 12 and 13 of the EU Privacy Policy (679/2016).

1. Registrar

HEIROL Oy (0848183-0) 
Verkaranta 12 B 
20660 Littoinen, Finland
+358 (0) 75 326 6800

2. Registered

  • Customers (contact persons)
  • Potential customers
  • Website users

3. Purpose and grounds for processing personal data

Customers (contact persons):
Purpose of treatment: Enabling customer service contact and maintaining customer relationship.
Handling by: The legitimate interest of the controller.

Potential customers and website users
Purpose of treatment: Contact requests and newsletter subscriptions via the website.
Handling by: The legitimate interest of the controller

4. Information to be stored in the register

The following information can be stored in the register:

Information   Customer   A possible customer   Intended Use
Name   ✔️   ✔️   Identification / communication
Telephone number   ✔️   ✔️   Communication
Email address   ✔️   ✔️   Communication
Address   ✔️   ✔️   Managing Customer Relationships / Marketing Targeting
Role / title   ✔️   ✔️   Managing Customer Relationships
Employer / company   ✔️   ✔️   Managing / Identifying Customer Relationships
IP address   ✔️       Targeting Marketing

NOTE ! We will not save any information about the webpage to the register.

5. Duration of treatment

Personal data is processed as a rule as long as the customer agreement we require to provide information is valid. We record the information as we get them from the register itself and update them according to what the registrar informs the registrar.

Form data sent from will be automatically removed six (6) months after the shipment. Our Customer and Marketing Register removes unnecessary personal information every six (6) months. From our email marketing list, you will be able to leave yourself through each exit email in our marketing e-mail.

6. Your Rights

You have the following rights to access your request: .

The right of inspection

You have the right to check the personal information you have saved. If you notice any inaccuracies or omissions in your data, you can ask us to correct or supplement the information correctly.

of opposition

You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal information if you feel that we have processed your personal data illegally or that we are not entitled to deal with some of your personal information.

Direct marketing ban

You have the right at any time to forbid us from using your information for direct marketing. We never sell or otherwise disclose your personal information to other people so that they may direct direct marketing to you.

We acquired online advertising for example. Facebook and Google. Nevertheless, these companies never receive your personal information, and this kind of advertising is not about direct marketing but is based on cookies. See the Cookies section for more details.


If you feel that processing of some of your information is not necessary for our tasks, you have the right to request us to remove this information. We will process your request after we either delete your information or we’ll give you a reasoned reason why we can not delete data. If you disagree with our decision, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Officer ( instructions for making a complaint ). You also have the right to demand that we restrict the processing of disputed data until the matter is resolved.

Right of appeal

You have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Officer if you feel that when processing your personal information we are in violation of existing privacy laws ( instructions for making a complaint ).

7. Regular sources of information

Potential customer information is obtained with consent from him / herself in connection with a website visit or other personal or digital interaction.

8. Transfers of information

As a rule, information will not be disclosed for marketing purposes outside Heirol Oy.

Data can be transferred selectively targeted registrar commissioned by third-party marketing campaign. The ownership of the data is not transferred from the controller to a third party, nor is the third party entitled to use the information mandate for wider use.

We have ensured that all of our service providers comply with the privacy laws. We regularly use the following service providers:

  • Visma
  • Posti
  • MailChimp
  • Microsoft
  • Klarna
  • Dimehill

9. Transfer of data outside the EU

Whenever possible, we’ve chosen secure, Europe-based data centers to store your data.

Some of the above-mentioned service providers may back up data outside the EU / EEA to the United States. Data will be backed up to ensure your data is secure even in situations where major servers fail.

Privacy Shield

We have ensured that our service providers have joined the so-called “EU-US” Privacy Shield ( ), designed to ensure the secure processing of European data in the United States.

10. Principles of registry protection

Safe handling of your personal information is important to us. We use the following safeguards to ensure the security of your information.

  • Entering the system requires entering a username and password. The system is also protected by firewalls and other technical means.
  • The information contained in the registry stored in the system is accessible to, and is only authorized to use, certain pre-determined registrar employees.
  • The use of the registry is protected by user-specific passwords, passwords and access rights.
  • The registry is located on a computer that is placed in a machine room where access to unauthorized persons is blocked.
  • The information contained in the register is located in locked and secured spaces.
  • Registries are regularly backed up.

11. Cookies

This site uses cookies. The site sends a cookie to a browser – a small text file that is stored on the computer’s hard disk. There are both temporary session cookies that are closed when you close your Internet browser and permanent cookies that are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies allow us to identify your browser and use the information we have received for example to calculate visiting browsers on our site and analyze our site usage, such as statistical monitoring. They also give us the opportunity to view and track the interests of our users and thus develop our web site. All collected information is anonymous, and online activities can not be linked to a particular person.

Most Internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but you may want to edit your browser’s settings and disable cookies at any time. You can avoid cookies by editing and blocking your browser’s settings.

Promotional cookies help us choose the most suitable and most interesting ads for you. They also prevent the display of the same ads. Some third-party vendors may also use cookies or web beacons (one pixel in the image file), so you can see your favorite ads when you visit different sites. Information collected through cookies and web beacons will not inform us or any third party of any personal information such as your name or contact information. Third party advertisers may also use technology to measure the performance of their ads. For this purpose, they can use a trace (one pixel GIF file) that is placed on our website to collect anonymous data.

This site has a Google Adwords dog that targets marketing through a list of users in Google’s advertising networks. The user can not be identified on the basis of the information to be included in the cookie. If you wish, you can block a Google Adwords marketing based on user lists at .

For more information on browser-based allocation of advertising allowed visit Your Online Choices.