
Chickpea Stew

Let’s take care of each other with nutritious food!

Turmeric is one of my favorite flavors, but I’ve only gotten accustomed to it in recent years, ever since the interest towards vegetarian dishes has grown. I enjoy Indian spices and add them to almost any vegetarian dish I make. Turmeric has a lot of health benefits and the color of it is beautiful!

I also use turmeric for my breakfast smoothies – it is important to remember to always pair it with some black pepper so that the nutrients from the turmeric get absorbed into your body!


Ingredients for 4 portions (don’t get scared of the long list, this stew is worth it!

4 tbsp oil
1 onion, well chopped
2 garlic, well chopped or use a garlic press
1 chopped chili without the seeds (or 1 tsp of chili powder)
5 cm piece of ginger, cut into thin slices
2 tbsp of turmeric
1 can of chickpeas (rinse well in cold water)
1/2 liter of vegetable broth
200g of vegetables cut in strips (carrots, kale, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage)
An alternative; Apetit vegetable wok mix (the package can be found in the fresh vegetable section)
1 can of coconut milk
2 tbsp of lime juice

Tip! If you want the stew to be a bit sturdier, add 2 dl of rice or lentils. In that case, you’ll want to add 8 dl of vegetable broth instead of the 1/2 liter.

Sauté the onions, ginger, and chili in oil until they get a nice yellow color (about 5 minutes)
Add salt and pepper
Add turmeric and chickpeas (cook for 10-15 minutes)
Add coconut milk and vegetable broth (cook for another 15 minutes on low heat)
If you want to add rice or lentils, add them at this point
If needed, add some salt and pepper
Add the veggies and cook for another 8-10 minutes

Tip! Use a wooden spatula to squash the chickpeas, that allows the starch to release and makes for a thicker stew. I personally like the chickpeas when they are whole/unsquashed. 🙂