Herkulliset uunijuurekset!

Delicious roasted root vegetables

During this year, for a variety of reasons, life has changed quite a bit. For Rolf and I, one of the changes is that it is only the two of us at the dinner table during the week. All four of our children have moved out, and the exchange students who we accommodated have left to go to their homes. It has been a pleasant change for me, as I can try new things in the kitchen without making a huge batch compared to five years ago when the house was always packed. That said, it still fills me with joy when I get to make food for a bigger group of people. For us, a bigger group of people means family. As whenever we get together as a family, it is about 8-12 people. I also like to cook food for my other family, the people who work at HEIROL 🙂 In these situations, I use my worthy sidekicks: a large oven dishpots, and a mandoline slicer. With their help, a delicious meal appears in front of you like magic.


Choose vegetables based on flavor and imagination: carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnip, artichoke, beet, etc.
Red onion
Fresh rosemary or thyme
High-quality olive oil
Black pepper and salt

Wash the vegetables properly. Dice the veggies and onion with a knife, or slice them up with a mandoline. Place the veggies in an oven dish and flavor with salt and pepper. Pour some olive oil on top and mix the veggies in the dish. Cut the garlic in half and place in the dish with the veggies. Heat up the oven to 225 degrees and roast the veggies for about 20-30 minutes. The cooking time depends on the size and quality of the vegetables.

Serve as a side for chicken or fish, or enjoy them as they are. One option is to cook the chicken lightly on a pan, so it gets that nice crispy exterior, and place it in the oven to cook with the veggies. If you choose to eat your roasted vegetables as they are, you can make a sauce for them from yoghurt and fresh mint. Super easy and soooo good!