
Yummy Lemon pasta

Whilst riding my bike back home from work I dreamt of lemon pasta… Oh the taste in my mouth just thinking about it. One thing I learned when living in Italy is to ALWAYS have lemons at home. This wonderfully easy and delicious recipe will surely become one of your favorites as well!

Tip! pasta should always be mixed in the sauce. This is why we love the Steelsafe Pro wok pan when making pasta.⁠


1 dl olive oil
50 g butter
1 lemon skin
2 tbsp cognac
2,5 dl cream
2 tbsp lemon juice
2dl parmesan cheese (grated)
Salt & pepper
Fined parsley
400 g Fresh pasta

Add butter and olive oil on a pan and let melt. Add the lemon zest, mix for a few minutes and add congac, lemon juice and cream. Season with salt and pepper. Keep the pan warm but do not bring the cream to a boil. Add half of the parmesan cheese.

Bring the pasta water to a boil and add salt. Cook the pasta and lift in the sauce. Mix together and add a little bit of pasta water if needed. Enjoy with parmesan cheese and parsley!

I always use a high walled casserole when making lemon pasta so it’s easy to mix everything together!