
Potato Mille-Feuille

Two Christmas classic, potato and salmon, in a different kind of combo. This side dish fits perfectly in the Christmas table with fish or meat. Your best friend in the making? A mandolin 100%.


Recipe for 4 portions
4 medium-sized potatoes, equal in size
200 g of smoked salmon, cold
1 ball of buffalo mozzarella
Salt and pepper

Wash the potatoes properly and use a mandoline slicer to make thin slices out of them. Boil the slices in a pot for about 10 minutes. Gently pour out the water so the potatoes won’t break. If you are using a traditional oven tray, cover it with a baking sheet. With a HEIROL Pro oven tray, spreading a bit of oil or butter will be enough.

Place the potato slices on the tray and try to place them by size, so your Potato Mille-Feuille’s will be the same size. Pour a dash of olive oil on top and sprinkle some salt and pepper. Bake the potatoes for about 10 minutes at 200°C, until the slices are golden brown.
Slice the mozzarella into same-sized bits and season the smoked salmon slices with lemon juice.

Take the potatoes out of the oven, place a piece of mozzarella on a potato slice, place another potato slice on top, and one more layer of mozzarella and potato. Repeat for all the slices. Place them back in the oven and bake until the mozzarella starts to soften.

Take the Mille-Feuille’s out of the oven, place a salmon slice on top, and finish off however you want; chives, basil, dill, and rosehip pepper all work extremely well.