Gluteeniton banaanileipä

Gluten-Free Banana Bread

An instant favorite for any household!
Homemade banana bread has been trending for a while now, but I hopped on the bandwagon late – I baked my first banana bread for this year’s Mother’s Day brunch! It was such a hit at brunch, that my mom asked me to share the recipe with all of you as well! 🙂

Ever since my first go at it, I’ve been making it more often than not! The first banana bread I made was based on a  “classic” recipe, but the next time I tried it I mixed it up by putting some raspberries in it… and oh my goodness how delicious it turned out! The best feedback for me is to see how long it takes to finish the whole batch and this one was gone in less than a day!
Next time I figured to add some apples… We will see how it turns out!


3 ripe bananas
100g of melted butter
1 egg
½ dl of sugar
1 dl of brown sugar
3dl of oat flour
2dl of oat flakes
1ts of cinnamon
1ts cardamom
2ts of vanilla sugar
1ts of baking soda
1ts of salt

Add raspberries based on your own preference. I added about 2dl – you can also go the traditional route and make it without raspberries!

On top of the bread as decoration (and extra flavor), you can add banana, raspberries, nuts, whatever you feel like doing!

Mash the ripe bananas either by hand or with a fork (I like to get in there with my hands!). Mix in the slightly cooled down melted butter, sugars, and the egg.

Combine the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and add them to the mix.

Pour the dough into a well-buttered, and floured baking form (1l form should work well).
Decorate/add toppings to your liking!

Bake in preheated oven for about 50 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf, comes out clean.

Psst! Any bread form will work, but I’ve personally fallen in love with my aluminum bread form! An aluminum form needs to be buttered well and covered with breadcrumbs (korppujauho in Finnish), and you will want to handwash the form with warm water without soap!

Have you tried to make banana bread before, and have you tried it with something other than banana? Share your tips and I will very likely give it a go!