Fig Cake with a Touch of Orange

The different shades of figs give me inspiration and strength, like looking at a beautiful painting or an autumn landscape...


This is a good basic recipe, by changing the figs and pistachios, you get a completely different cake!

200 g butter
180 g sugar
3 eggs
80 g flour
1 tl baking powder
130 g almonds, grounded
zest & juice of 1 orange
seeds of one vanilla stick
3 tbsp milk
8-10 ripe figs
80 g unsalted pistacchios
powdered sugar for decoration

Heat oven to 175 °C. Butter and breadcrumb a 24 cm loose-bottomed pan.

Foam thr butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, stirring as you go. Add a spoonful of flour to prevent the dough from curdling.

Mix together the dry ingredients and add to the dough, stirring slowly. Add the orange zest and juice, vanilla seeds and milk until the dough is loose enough. Place in the baking dish and smooth the surface.

Add the halved figs and pistachios. Bake for 40 minutes in the bottom of the oven until the surface is golden brown. If it is dry, the cake is ready!

Allow to cool and top with icing sugar.
If you like, you can serve the fig cake with orange zest flavoured crème fraîche.