Suklainen banaanileipä valkosuklaavaahdolla

Chocolaty banana bread with white chocolate whipped cream

Greetings from Tammisaari, a small town just waken from its winter sleep! I’ve been here that one magical week of the year when the sun melts ice in the sea and one can have the first-morning swim in the sea. As my April recipe, I want to share an easy and delicious chocolaty banana bread with white chocolate whipped cream. The dessert goes with afternoon coffee or brunch and it lasts for a couple of days on the counter as a quick snack. You can also make the most wonderful French toast with leftover banana bread! The next day, I packed a yoga mat, chamomilla tea, a slice of banana bread, and white chocolate whipped cream in a jar, and went on a hike in the forest nearby. It was so calming to do a soft yoga flow in the evening sun and afterward enjoy the flavors of banana and chocolate, sit in silence and listen to the sea. <3


10 servings | Active: 20 min | Passive: 1 h

Banana bread:
4 over ripe bananas
1 dl (oat) milk
½ dl oil
½ dl apple sauce
1 dl sugar
2 tbsp grounded flax seed
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
4 dl flour
120 g dark chocolate

White chocolate whipped cream:
80 g (vegan) white chocolate
1 ½ dl (oat) whipped cream
½ dl oat fraiche or sour cream
1 tsp vanilla sugar
Pinch of cardamom
1 tsp organic lemon zest

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Peel and mash 3 bananas with a fork, then add the oat milk, oil, and apple sauce. You can also use a blender if you prefer. Roughly chop the dark chocolate. Add the chocolate and remaining ingredients and mix until smooth. Turn into a lined one-liter bread pan. Peel and halve the remaining banana and press it on top of the bread. Bake in the oven for about 50-60 minutes until the dough no longer sticks to a test stick. Let the banana bread cool at room temperature.

Before you want to serve the banana bread, prepare the white chocolate whipped cream. Chop the white chocolate into a bowl and melt it in a microwave or a water bath. Wash an organic lemon and zest it. Pour oat whip cream into a bowl and whip it. Add in the melted white chocolate, oat fraiche, vanilla sugar, a pinch of cardamom, and lemon zest. Whip it another minute until it’s smooth and creamy. Taste it and feel free to add more of the spices according to your liking! Serve the whipped cream in a bowl with the banana bread.
