
Vegan Nutella

When our children were younger, the go-to treat on slow Sunday mornings was Nutella. Nutella originates from Italy, and even I remember it from my childhood. In the 1960s, the brand started to expand its reach into other countries, which is when the popularity of Nutella exploded. In the year 2007, this chocolaty treat was ”awarded” its very own holiday, which is celebrated around the world on the 5th of February.

Unfortunately, the shape of the Nutella jar makes it difficult to get every last bit of it out. Thank goodness our very own product developing team created the perfect kitchen utensil for these types of situations. Whether it’s Nutella, mayonnaise, mustard, jam, etc. our Steely-series silicone spatula will get the job done!

As Nutella, the kind you can buy at the grocery store, isn’t the healthiest of options out there, I have made a recipe based on my personal diet. The best part about my recipe is, that you can eat it often, without feeling like you need to get to the gym ASAP 😉 A little tip for all you lovers of baked goods; you can use this homemade vegan Nutella as a filling as well!


What you'll need:
225 g of hazelnuts
80 ml of unflavored soy milk or other plant-based milk
1 tbsp of coconut oil
4 tbsp of maple syrup
6 dates (stones removed)
35 g of raw cacao
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/4 tsp of salt

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Spread the hazelnuts on a covered baking tray. If you are using HEIROL’s Coated Baking Tray, you won’t need a baking sheet to cover it. Roast the nuts for about 10-12 minutes, until they reach a light golden color. Before taking them out, mix the nuts a little bit so they all cook evenly. Once you take them out, let them cool off.

Take a handful of hazelnuts and rub them firmly between your hands, so that the cover starts to peel off. Proceed with the rest of the batch. Alternatively, you can use a kitchen towel.
Place the peeled hazelnuts into a blender for about 5 minutes. Every now and then, scrape the blended nuts off the sides of the blender so that you will get an even paste. Add the rest of the ingredients into the mix and let the blender run for an additional 3-5 minutes, or until the texture is even.

Store in an air-tight jar in the fridge. Homemade Nutella lasts about a week in a fridge (however, more often than not, our jar is empty in a couple of days, whoops…).

Psst. if the dates are too hard, soak them in lukewarm water for 10 minutes and drain.

Enjoy a delicious NUTELLA DAY!
