Tämä päivä on teidän – Naistenpäivä

This day is yours – Women’s Day

“To the strong,
to the fierce,
to the independent,
to the brave.

strongly cherish the love today,
Happy International Women’s Day.”

Monday, March 8th, is the International Women’s Day – a day, when we show appreciation and admiration towards women, celebrate them and look back on all that they have accomplished!

Throughout history, amazing trailblazing women have fought for equality between the sexes and built opportunities for women today. It is hard to choose who to name, but here are some present and historic examples; Amelia Earhart, Princess Diana, Rosa Parks, Minna Canth, Tarja Halonen, Cleopatra. This said, things could always be better in some way, but we Finns need to be thankful and proud that our country is one of the best in the world when it comes to equality between women and men.

When you have given a moment and paid your respects to the trailblazers of the past, it is time to bring our attention to the women in our lives – mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, friends, co-workers, and everyone else, this day is theirs. Women’s Day is the perfect time to show how much the women in your life mean to you. Whether it is with beautiful words, flowers, giving a massage, cooking, or baking, make sure that their importance and love does not go neglected.

The purpose of this post is to celebrate women around the globe, but since you are here on our website, the focal point is our ladies of the office:

Alessia, whose bright energy fills any room,
Cristina, whose laughter penetrates your soul and fills it with positivity,
Henna, whose eye of aesthetics holds a candle to anyone,
Mari, whose care for you seems endless,
Mia, whose work ethic, and ability to time the midday coffee seem unceasing.

This is my ‘thank you’ to you – I hope you know how much you impact our mood to come to work each day. When I hear you talk about your families and loved ones, I feel that I am learning more and more what the term unconditional love means.

What would be a better way to show appreciation and admiration to your coworkers than baking a chocolate cake?? The recipe is originally Cristina’s, but it’s super easy. Even for me, who’s not really baking that often!


This chocolate cake recipe is perfect when you need to serve something super delicious super quick. Easy and quick to make, but tastes like you put in a ton of time. On top of all, it is gluten-free!

125g of melted butter
3 eggs
1 dl of gluten-free flour
0,5 dl of corn flour
2 tsp of vanilla sugar
2,5 dl of sugar
1/4 tsp of salt
4 tbsp of dark cacao powder
1/2 tsp of baking powder

Preheat the oven to 175 °C. Mix the dry ingredients together. In a separate bowl, whisk the 3 eggs lightly. Add the melted butter and dry ingredients, and mix into an even batter. Pour the batter into a prepared cake form. To avoid the cake sticking to the bottom of the form, place a baking sheet at the bottom of it.

Bake the cake in the oven for 25-40 minutes (time depends on the oven and the form that you’re using). For example, if you are using a 20 cm cake form, 25 minutes will do, but if your cake form is small with higher edges, you might need to bake it for 40 min.

Let the cake cool down in the form for 10 minutes before taking it out. Whip up some whipped cream (no sugar), decorate your cake with it, or serve it on the side! Some powdered sugar also looks great when drizzled on top of chocolate cake and some small flowers next to it finishes the beautiful plate.

Enjoy a wonderful Women’s Day!

