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Night Of The Arts pancake feast

For the Night Of The Arts we decided to make pancakes to offer to all our lovely customers! To accompany these pancakes we came up with three delicious syrups/ sauces that we want to share with you on this special evening as well as whenever you want to recreate them at home! They’re all extremely easy to make and require little to no time.


1 lemon
1 handful of mint
5 dl of water
5 dl of sugar

Thinly slice the lemon. Add the lemon slices, the mint and the sugar to a small saucepan and pour in the water. Stir to combine everything and then place the pot over a medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar completely. Let the mixture boil for 5-7 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool for 1 hour. Strain out the lemon and the mint and place into a glass container.

Tip: Keep in the fridge for up to a month


2 apples
1 dl of brown sugar
1 dl of water
1 tbsp of butter
1 tbsp of cornstarch
2 tsp of cinnamon

Chop apples into small cubes and set aside. In a saucepan, combine brown sugar, butter, and cornstarch whisked with water and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar and melt the butter. Boil for 1 minute then reduce heat to medium and add apples. Simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until apples reach desired tenderness.

Tip: Blend the sauce for a smoother finish


1 pineapple
1 dl of brown sugar
1 dl of water
1 tbsp of vanilla essence
1 tbsp of cornstarch
3 tbsp of coconut flakes

Peel, core and chop one fresh pineapple into chunks. Add the sugar, water and lime juice to a saucepan and bring to a boil over a medium/low heat. Reduce the heat, add the pineapple chunks and let them simmer. Dissolve the cornstarch in 1 tablespoon of water and stir it in. Return to the stove and heat to thicken further. Stir in the vanilla. Allow to cool and serve with coconut flakes!

Tip: Blend the sauce for a smoother finish