
Midsummer Cake

I made this cake with my daughter on her birthday, and it turned out to taste and look so good that I wanted to share the recipe with you guys!

The fresh and summery taste makes this cake is perfect for any summer festivities, maybe even for Midsummer!


345g of flour
1ts of baking powder
1ts of baking soda
½ ts of salt
115g of unsalted butter
200g of sugar
1ts of vanilla extract (*not a must)
2tbls of lemon peel
4 eggs
⅓ cup / 0.8dl of lemon juice
0.5dl oat milk

1dl whipped cream
Raspberries, as much as you like
250g of mascarpone
1,5dl of powdered sugar
Strawberries, as much as you like

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Prepare two 20cm cake forms
When using an aluminum form, on top of buttering it, you should flour it as well. If you’re using a springform you should use a baking sheet.

Mix the dry ingredients together, and put the flour through a strainer.
Add together the room temp butter and sugar, and use a blender until the texture is fluffy and foamy.
Add eggs one by one, as well as the lemon peel, whilst continually mixing the batter.
Continue mixing and add the dry ingredients, milk, and lemon juice – mix until the batter is even.

Split the batter into two separate cake forms and bake in the mid-level of the oven for about 30 minutes. Test the bake with a wooden stick – if it is done there shouldn’t be anything stuck to the stick. Let the cakes cool down properly before decorating.

Mix the whipped cream, mascarpone, raspberries and powdered sugar together into a fluffy foam. Cut the strawberries and decorate as you like!
