Maalaisleipää kananmunalla ja tryffeliöljyllä

Bread with egg & truffle oil

Truffle lovers hello! This is for you. An absolutely super lovely breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/any meal option. 😀 Oh. There are only a few ingredients and as at least in my kitchen: less is more and I definitely prefer to invest in quality rather than quantity (also applies to other things like my kitchen utensil selection!).

I baked this on our new Cerasafe Pro pan and by the way, they have an amazing coating! The food just glided on the coating! It's such a pleasure to cook with good products! I guess you can see the importance of quality when it's easy to cook without fighting with the utensils. Or when you remember to sharpen your knives and your cooking changes completely! By the way, the products are made 100% without PFAS chemicals that are harmful to nature and humans. We also donate €0.50 for every Cerasafe Pro product sold to WWF Finland to help protect the Baltic Sea. 🌿🧡


Ingredients for one loaf:
thick slice of country bread
1 organic egg
a handful of grated parmesan
fresh thyme
good quality truffle oil
salt and pepper

Place the oven grill racks on top. Pour the truffle oil into a coated pan and heat over a medium heat. Place the rustic bread in the hot pan and crack an egg into the centre of the bread. Sprinkle with a little black pepper and finish with a sprinkle of parmesan. Place the pan in the oven under the grill racks for a few minutes, taking care not to burn the bread. Serve immediately with hot coffee or tea.