Hasselback-perunat valkosipulikastikkeen, pekonin ja kevätsipulin kera

Hasselback potatoes topped with a garlic sauce and bacon

Ordinary baked potatoes are good, but Hasselback potatoes are delicious and just as easy to make! Finished with a creamy garlic sauce and crispy bacon bits, it’s the perfect soft and crunchy combination. This is the ultimate baked potatoe dish!!

For this recipe we used our cast iron pan, which is perfect for serving thanks to its beautiful shape and size! Just remember to remove the wooden handle when baking in the oven!


7 potatoes (choose similarly sized potatoes so that they cook at the same speed)
Olive oil
150 g of butter
1 head of garlic
1 small tub of creme fraiche
1 tbsp of milk
4 pieces of bacon
Spring onion (To taste)
Black pepper

Start by washing all the potatoes. After washing them, rub them with olive oil and salt (in that order). Cut a thin slice from the bottom of the potato so that it doesn’t roll around on the chopping board. Take one potato at a time and place it in the centre of two chopsticks or metal skewers and start cutting so that you get 2-3mm slices along the potato from start to finish, creating a fan-like effect where the base stays intact but the slices don’t go all the way through! Place all the potatoes in a cast iron pan and drizzle with olive oil. Cut thin slices of butter and place them between the potato slices. Finally, add rosemary and salt. Bake in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes. Then remove from the oven and add garlic to the pan and more butter on top of the potatoes. Put back in the oven for another 30 minutes.

Fry the bacon until crispy and set aside! Mix the creme fraiche with milk and baked garlic! (you can also use a blender for this step to get a smoother consistency). Chop the bacon once it has cooled, along with the spring onion. Drizzle the garlic sauce over the potatoes and top with chopped bacon and spring onion and a little black pepper!