Gluteenitonta mustikkapiirakka ystävänpäiväksi

Gluten-free blueberry pie for Valentine’s Day

We loved making this pie in our new “Twist” pie tin. The new addition to our twist series came perfectly in time for Valentine’s day!


4 dl of Gluten-free flour mixture (+ a little more for the heart decorations)
2 dl of almond flour
2 tsp of baking powder
1 1/2 dl of Sugar
200 g of butter
2 eggs

200 g of Blueberries
1 tbsp of potato starch
200g of sour cream
1 egg
1/2 dl sugar

Mix the dry ingredients for the base in a bowl. Crumble in the soft butter. Finally, add the egg and mix until smooth. Press the dough into a greased pie tin (29 cm).Save a small portion of the pie dough and set aside (for the heart decorations). Mix the blueberries and the potato starch in a bowl. Then mix the eggs, sugar and sour cream in the same bowl. Pour the mixture over the pie crust. Add more flour to the pie dough that was set aside and mix it in to make the dough less runny and easier to shape. Once you have the desired consistency, take a small heart cookie cutter and cut out 24 small hearts and place them on the edge of the pie. Bake in a 200°C oven at the bottom level for about 40-50 minutes.