Yesss! I finally got the chance to visit the HEIROL office space, aka Casa HEIROL. The lovelies Mari and Alessia gave me a little cooking lesson, however, instead of cooking, we focused on how to use a frying pan the right way. Some of you might be scratching your heads thinking why would you need instructions for that? And I get why. I was right there with ya.
One of the most important things alongside cooking is to know how to use and maintain your kitchen tools. Proper kitchenware will last a lifetime, especially when you take good care of them.
During the ”class”, we used a HEIROL Steelsafe frying pan. The steel structure and aluminum heart of the pan allows it to reserve heat efficiently and spread it evenly all around the pan, which means your food will be cooked throughout anywhere on the pan. I dare to say, that an ordinary Jane, such as myself, doesn’t even spare a thought concerning the heat efficiency or the ergonomic handle design of a pan.

My notes from the frying pan class
- Always add the cooking oil on a cold pan.
- No need to put the stove on full blast (oops, guilty as charged), medium heat will do.
- Let your veggies/meat/fish cook in peace. Don’t poke your food just because (Again, guilty of this when I’m trying to be the Henri Alén of my kitchen).
- Always handwash your cooled off (!) pan. Oh and don’t forget to wash the outside of it as well.
These are simple things, but because of these tips, I’m more aware of my kitchenware and have taken waaaay better care of them.